Embracing Change: Insights and Shifts from the Joe Dispenza Retreat
Aug 19, 2024
'tis the season for massive transformation...
In the past few weeks, I’ve been navigating a whirlwind of inspiration and change following a transformative retreat with Dr. Joe Dispenza.
For many years now, I’ve been exploring various modalities for spiritual and energetic healing, and it is fascinating to see these concepts now being validated through modern scientific perspectives.
Dr. Joe’s work reinforces the idea that modern science is finally catching up with the ancient wisdom many of us have been studying for eons. The connection between quantum physics and our ability to consciously shape our reality is more tangible and accessible than ever before.
One of the biggest takeaways from Dr. Joe’s teachings is that we are indeed capable of consciously choosing to evolve and transform our own minds and bodies, and in doing so, we can heal ourselves and create our own reality.
I’ll be sharing a lot more of my insights on my new Substack but the most important one for me was my newfound willingness to leave the old self behind and step into the next-level version of myself.
This realization has encouraged me to lean into greater authenticity and focus on projects that reflect my true passions. For instance, I have always been interested in the great mysteries of this vast multidimensional world that we live in.
I’ve been experiencing the spirit world and studying subtle energies since childhood and I’m finally ready to hold this as the primary focus of my work.
In many ways, I've been working through this transition for a while now, but it's hard to describe the sudden boost in certainty and confidence that I felt come "online" for me during the retreat.
And, after another ah-ha moment, I’m excited to dive deeper into writing on my NEW Substack.
(Click Here to follow me on Substack and keep up with my future posts)
Meanwhile, I’ll still be carrying on with my YouTube Channel Journey and continuing to develop the Oasis Spiritual Retreat Center with my mother as well. 👏🤓✨
And here's why...
My greatest wish is to help you see yourself for the magnificent multidimensional being --The Genius, as Dr. Joe would say -- that you truly are.
I believe it’s time for us to take the journey inward, to free ourselves from the unconscious conditioning of the past, release our tenuous grip on the predictable future, and step into the flow of pure consciousness to receive a fresh new potential in the ever-present now.
I trust that the initiatives I’m taking right now will help many of you to explore your own spiritual paths and creative potentials in the future.
Please stay tuned...
And, as always, I’d love to hear from you!
Let me know of any questions you have, whether it’s through commenting on my YouTube channel, by completing the Oasis Questionnaire, or simply sharing your thoughts on these new developments in the comments below…
Thank you!
--And Don’t Forget!
I will most likely be posting all of my future blogs on my NEW Substack page.
Click Here to visit my Substack for more updates and insights.
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